4 posts categorized "Wacky Bandz"


Alien Slingz Wacky Bandz Pack

The Alien Slingz Wacky Bandz Pack contains twenty-four rubber band bracelets, eight each of three different designs. Above is a photo of the front of the Alien Slingz Wacky Bandz Pack.

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Wacky Bandz Announces Sling Bandz And Alpha Ringz

Wacky Bandz has announced two brand new product lines called Sling Bandz and Alpha Ringz. Sling Bandz are rubber band bracelets that have arms, legs, and paws that dangle from the band. Wacky Bandz is making three differen kinds of Sling Bandz: Monkeys, Geckos, and Aliens.

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More Info On Wacky Bandz

A couple days ago I blogged about Wacky Bandz, which are rubber band bracelets that are going to be sold in vending machines. Big Apple Vending is the company behind Wacky Bandz, and they emailed me with some more information.

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Wacky Bandz To Be Sold In Vending Machines

In March, there will be a brand new way to buy Animal Bracelets. Yes, a line of rubber band bracelets called Wacky Bandz are going to be sold in vending machines. This is a great idea, and I'm surprised that someone hadn't put them in vending machines before. The company offering Wacky Bandz for vending machines is called Big Apple Vending. According to their website, there will be nine different styles in three different colors.

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