5 posts categorized "The Simpsons Bandz"


Bart Simpsons Bandz - Rare Or Not Rare?

The Simpsons is the longest running show on television, which makes it no surprise that there are a lot of fans of The Simpsons. There are also a lot of The Simpsons Collectors, who tend to make The Simpsons Bandz in high demand. The Simpsons Bandz are made by Forever Collectibles under their Character Bandz line. While big time collectors of The Simpsons tend to buy all the series, the more casual viewers of The Simpsons often want the Bart Simpson Bandz the most. While all The Simpsons Bandz are considered somewhat rare, the Bart Simpson Bandz usually is the most wanted. So are Bart Simpsons Bandz rare or not rare?


The Simpsons Bandz Series 5 Pack

The Simpsons Bandz Series 5 Pack contains twenty elastic bracelets, four each of five different designs. The Simpsons Bandz are made by Forever Collectibles as part of their Character Bandz line. Above is a photo of the front of The Simpsons Bandz Series 5 Pack.

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The Simpsons Bandz Series 6 Pack

The Simpsons Bandz Series 6 Pack contains twenty elastic bracelets, four each of five different designs. The Simpsons Bandz are made by Forever Collectibles as part of their Character Bandz line. Above is a photo of the front of The Simpsons Bandz Series 6 Pack.

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The Simpsons Bandz Series 1 Pack

The Simpsons Bandz Series 1 Pack contains twenty elastic bracelets, four each of five different designs. The Simpsons Bandz are made by Forever Collectibles as part of their Character Bandz line. Above is a photo of the front of The Simpsons Bandz Series 1 Pack.

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The Simpsons Bandz

A lot of people have been asking if there will ever be a Silly Bandz version of The Simpsons. I've just learned that Forever Collectibles has a license pending to make The Simpsons Bandz. By license pending, I'm guessing it means not technically official by highly likely. It's possible that other companies including Silly Bandz might also do their own The Simpsons Bandz, as we've seen not all the licenses are exclusive to one company.

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