With all the negative articles and news reports about schools banning Silly Bandz, it was nice to see a news report that took a different approach. As I’ve often blogged, there are just as many if not more schools using Silly Bandz to help kids learn as there are schools banning Silly Bandz. WSET in Lynchburg, Virgina recently reported on a school that is using Silly Bandz to help teach students.
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In most places, school has started again, which means the school bans on Silly Bandz are starting up again. Of course, most newspapers kept reporting on Silly Bandz school bans throughout the entire Summer, which I never understood. Now, that schools really are back in session, various local newspapers and local TV stations are going crazy being the first to report on new school bans in their areas.
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The biggest news story going right now is about schools banning Silly Bandz. Often the reason cited for schools banning Silly Bandz has been that they have created distractions in the classroom. However, one thing that has been ignored about Silly Bandz in most media reports is that there are just as many if not more schools that are using Silly Bandz to reward students or even selling them in school bookstores. Some schools even have special Silly Bandz trader days.
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Wow, would the Silly Bandz craze be spreading as fast as it is, if all the newspapers and television stations weren’t reporting on all the school bans of Silly Bandz? A couple months ago there were only one or two stories that would come out about Silly Bandz a month. Now, it seems like everyone is writing a story about schools banning Silly Bandz.
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