4 posts categorized "Marvel Silly Bandz"


Marvel Silly Bandz Pack Design Change

It looks like the Marvel Silly Bandz Pack has gone through a design change. The original Marvel Silly Bandz Pack only had pictures of Hulk and Spiderman on the top of the packaging. Now, the new Marvel Silly Bandz Pack has pictures of Spiderman, Iron Man, Wolverine, Captain America, Hulk, and Thor. The Marvel Universe logo has also moved from the left hand side of the packaging to the right hand side of the packaging.

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Silly Bandz Marvel Pack

The Silly Bandz Marvel Pack is the first set of licensed Silly Bandz designs made by the official Silly Bandz company. The Silly Bandz Marvel Pack contains twenty-four rubber band bracelets, four each of six different designs. Above is a photo of the front of the Silly Bandz Marvel Pack. Thanks to Jordan for sending in the photos.

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Marvel Avengers Silly Bandz Pack Revealed

Several weeks ago I posted about the upcoming Marvel Silly Bandz. Earlier this week, Silly Bandz officially revealed the shapes for the Marvel Avengers Silly Bandz Pack. The Marvel Avengers Silly Bandz Pack contains twenty-four rubber band bracelets, four each of six different shapes. The Marvel Avengers assortment includes Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Spider-Man, Hulk, and Wolverine. The Marvel Silly Bandz are currently available for order on SillyBandz.com. They run about a dollar higher than most Silly Bandz Packs, which is likely due to the extra cost of licensing the characters from Marvel Comics.


Marvel Silly Bandz Officially Confirmed

Two days ago, I posted the image above of a Silly Bandz designer's computer screen that was shown in the USA Today Silly Bandz video. I said one of the designs looked like a man raising a shield above his head, and I guessed it could be either a gladiator or a superhero. Now I have official confirmation that the designs in question are in fact superheroes. The designs above are from the upcoming Marvel Silly Bandz line. Silly Bandz has signed an official license to product Silly Bandz based on famous Marvel Comics characters. The blue figure raising the shield is a Captain America Silly Bandz which is part of the Marvel Avengers Silly Bandz Pack. Besides Captain America, other Marvel Comics characters that I've confirmed will get their own official Silly Bandz include Wolverine, Thor, Iron Man, and the Incredible Hulk. There will likely be more Marvel Comics Silly Bandz, but those are the five characters that have been confirmed so far.


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