6 posts categorized "KISS Bandz"


KISS Legend Band

Legend Bandz makes several bandz related to the music band KISS. In addition to the KISS Bandz, Legend Bandz also makes 1" wide silicone bracelets featuring the KISS logo. Above is a photo of a silicon bracelet featuring the name KISS.

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KISS Ringz Collectors 3 Pack

The KISS Ringz Collectors 3 Pack contains twenty rubber band ringz, four each of five different designs. KISS Ringz are made by Legend Bandz, whose website is located at LegendBandz.com. Above is a photo of the front of the KISS Ringz Collectors 3 Pack.

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KISS Bandz Collectors 2 Pack

The KISS Bandz Collectors 2 Pack contains twenty rubber band bracelets, four each of five different designs. KISS Bandz are made by Legend Bandz, whose website is located at LegendBandz.com. Above is a photo of the front of the KISS Bandz Collectors 2 Pack.

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KISS Bandz Collectors 1 Pack

The KISS Bandz Collectors 1 Pack contains twenty rubber band bracelets, four each of five different designs. KISS Bandz are made by Legend Bandz, whose website is located at LegendBandz.com. Above is a photo of the front of the KISS Bandz Collectors 1 Pack.

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KISS Bandz First Photos

Yesterday, I posted the first ever photos of the packaging for the new Michael Jackson Bandz. Today, I have the first ever photos of the packaging for the new KISS Bandz. There are two different packs of KISS Bandz and one pack of KISS Rings. Both of the KISS Bandz Packs contain twenty rubber band bracelets, which have the special feature of being glow in the dark. KISS Bandz are made by Legend Bandz, and they are available for wholesale order on LegendBandz.com. Above is a photo of the KISS Bandz Collection 1 Pack.

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KISS Bandz Announced

First, Legend Bandz announced officially licenced Michael Jackson Bandz. Now, they have signed an agreement to produce Bandz of one of the most famous rock bands ever. KISS Bandz are in the works from Legend Bandz. KISS Bandz will features two packs of silicone shaped bracelets and one pack of silicone shaped ringz. All the KISS Bandz are glow in the dark, and they will come in official KISS colors. Above is a picture of KISS Bandz Pack 1.

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