2 posts categorized "Banditz"


Boo Bands Banditz Pack


Web Candy is the company behind the Banditz Rubber Band Arcade Games. Web Candy also makes Banditz packs without the arcade games. The Boo Bands Banditz Pack contains twelve rubber band bracelets. The twelve different designs in each pack are Skull, Pumpkin, Cat, Spider, Ghost, Pitch Fork, Bat, Frankenstein, Moon, Tombstone, Witches Hat, and Scythe rubber bands.


Webb Candy Announces Banditz Rubber Band Arcade

Webb Candy has released a new set of games around the current trend of collectable rubber bands. The games are called Banditz Rubber Band Arcade games. Each Banditz Arcade box contains 7 separate games and 24 Banditz bands. The games are based on traditional carnival arcade games. Everything from ring toss, to basketball, to traditional shooting games is represented. Over one million units of the games will be released to the marketplace within the next few weeks.

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