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2 posts from June 2011


Shapys Are A New Line Of Shaped Wristbands

A new line of shaped wristbands has just launched. They are called Shapy's, and they have a website located at Shapys.com. In addition to being uniquely shaped, each Shapy's design has an inspirational message. Shapys is based out of Memphis, Tennessee, and they plan to make several different designs. The first four designs are all patriotic and include the Statue Of Liberty, an American eagle, the Liberty Bell, and the United States of America. Above is a picture of the Statue of Liberty design which includes the message "Life Liberty Happiness."

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Kardashian Rad Ringz Revealed

Awhile back I posted about Rad Ringz, which are the newest product from the company behind Silly Bandz. I said there would be licensed versions of Rad Ringz released, and the first celebrity Rad Ringz has been announced. Kardashian Rad Ringz will be available both online and in stores soon. The Kardashian Rad Ringz set features the words "Bible" and "Doll" and the letter "K."

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