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Rad Ringz Are The New Silly Bandz

Everyone wants to create the next Silly Bandz. However, it looks like the Silly Bandz company might be the ones to actually create the next Silly Bandz. I just got a couple packs of Rad Ringz, and they are..well...RAD! Everything from the packaging to the actual rings are really well done. Silly Bandz launched Rad Ringz with three different styles, which are Princess, Hipster, and Rock. It's really cool how the inserts are made to slide in and out of the rings, so you can trade them with friends.

The inserts fit perfectly and snuggly into the actual groove, so you don't have to worry about the inserts falling out. Rad Ringz is also working on producing some licensed inserts, which I think will help them to become really popular. I will have more pictures of all the different Rad Ringz designs posted this week.

RadRingz the new two finger ring from the creators of SillyBandz.


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i'm sorry but i think these are stupid :(

silly bandz just needs to go out in glory, not drag it out like they are doing...;


Everyone wants to create the next Silly Bandz. However, it looks like the Silly Bandz company might be the ones to actually create the next Silly Bandz. I just got a couple packs of Rad Ringz, and they are..well...RAD! Everything from the packaging to the actual rings are really well done. Silly Bandz launched Rad Ringz with three different styles, which are Princess, Hipster, and Rock. It's really cool how the inserts are made to slide in and out of the rings, so you can trade them with friends.

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