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Orthodontics Silly Bandz

Cooke Silly Bandz are custom Silly Bandz for Cooke Orthodontics. The Cooke Silly Bandz were given out to new and returning patients. Cooke Orthodntics has a website at CookeOrtho.com. Above is a photo of the Cooke Silly Bandz shapes.


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These are pretty cool!

Don't cookies make dentists mad?

Yeah but this is for an orthodontist office not a dentist office. I have braces and they don't mind that I eat cookies.

I have braces it was on in October 2010.

I have also braces :)

@jon I've had braces since October 2010, too.

These are really cool. How much did they cost to make? I would love to know. Thanks! www.hulseorthodontics.com

You put a sock in it, Jon!

A man can succeed at almost anything for which he has unlimited enthusiasm. (C. M. Schwab)

Great Blog!! That was amazing. Your thought processing is wonderful. The way you tell the thing is awesome. You are really a master.

Orthodontic Care Reading MA

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