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66 posts from January 2011


Safari Piggyback Bandz Pack

The Safari Piggyback Bandz Pack contains twenty-five rubber band bracelets, five each of five different designs. The difference between a Piggyback Bandz and a regular Bandz is that Piggyback Bandz have mini shaped Bandz that piggyback on top of the larger Bandz. Piggyback Bandz has at website at PiggybackBandz.com. Above is a photo of the front of the Safari Piggyback Bandz Pack.

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Albanian Silly Bandz

Albanian Silly Bandz are custom Silly Bandz. They were originally made to celebrate Albanian Flag Day, but they are great for all Albanian Events. Albanian Silly Bandz are available at AlbanianSillyBandz.com. Above is a photo of the fronts of the Albanian Silly Bandz Packs.

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Orthodontics Silly Bandz

Cooke Silly Bandz are custom Silly Bandz for Cooke Orthodontics. The Cooke Silly Bandz were given out to new and returning patients. Cooke Orthodntics has a website at CookeOrtho.com. Above is a photo of the Cooke Silly Bandz shapes.

Chai Silly Bandz

The Chai Silly Bandz is one of the Jewish Silly Bandz available in the Build A Pack Silly Bandz. The Chai Silly Bandz is available on Sillybandz.com.


Piggyback Bandz Introduce The Bandz That Stand

There is a brand new Bandz company with a unique idea. Fungrins, LLC has introduced Piggyback Bandz, which they call "The Bandz That Stand." What makes Piggyback Bandz different is that they put a mini-shaped band that piggybacks on top of the traditional shaped rubber band. This means that the shape of the top band can easily be seen when placed on the wrist, and you don't have to take the Bandz off for people to know what you're wearing. Next week, I will be posting pictures of several different Piggyback Bandz packs, so keep checking back. More information on Piggyback Bandz can be found on their website at PiggyBackBandz.com.

Android Silly Bandz

The Android Silly Bandz is a custom Silly Bandz created for Golden State Cellular. Golden State Cellular gave away the Android Silly Bandz to customers who purchased Android smartphones. Above is a photo of the Android Silly Bandz.


Hamsa Hand Silly Bandz

The Hamsa Hand Silly Bandz is one of the Jewish Silly Bandz available in the Build A Pack Silly Bandz. The Hamsa Hand Silly Bandz is available on Sillybandz.com.

Statue of Liberty Silly Bandz Pack

There is a Statue of Liberty Silly Bandz available in the Build-A-Pack Silly Bandz, but Silly Bandz also made a custom pack of Statue of Liberty Silly Bandz. Above is a photo of the front of the Statue of Liberty Silly Bandz Pack.

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NEED Energy Silly Bandz

NEED stands for National Energy Education Development. Back in October, the NEED project teamed up with Silly Bandz to create some custom designs. Above is a photo of the front of the NEED Energy Silly Bandz Pack.

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Heart Silly Bandz

With Valentine's Day approaching, it's time to start thinking about Heart Silly Bandz. There are several Heart Silly Bandz available in the Build A Pack Silly Bandz on Sillybandz.com. Above is a photo of a Large White Heart Silly Bandz.

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