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Silly Bandz Ouchies Bandages

Silly Bandz has just introduced yet another new product. Silly Bandz Ouchies are packs of adhesive bandages. Silly Bandz Ouchies 4 Boyz Pack includes Baseball, Rainforest, Rock Band, Dinosaur, and Western SillyBandz bandages. Silly Bandz Ouchies 4 Girlz Pack includes Pet, Princess, Sea Creatures, Basic Shapes, and Fantasy SillyBandz bandages. Each pack also includes one limited edition Silly Bandz bracelet. Above is a picture of a Silly Bandz Ouchies 4 Boyz Pack.

Here is a picture of a Silly Bandz Ouchies 4 Girlz Pack. Silly Bandz Ouchies are available on SillyBandz.com.



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Jeez, Silly Bands is overdoing it....

I really hate when the gender-divide things like that. -_-" They could've just made one pack.

@Dragmire666 I completely agree! it's sexist.

Thats really creative!

That's going a little overboard.

UH no its not keith
girls like different packs than girls
how would you like to wear a princess silly band bandage?

i mean girls like different packs than guys

@animalbraceletsblogfan Yeah, I know, but some packs are just for boys and girls, like the pets pack and the rainforest pack.

There's nothing wrong with a guy getting a princess pack, just like it's fine for a girl to get knight shaped bands. It's the double-standard that girls are free to deviate from stereotypes but boys aren't that is sexist. :D


I would not mind wearing a knight pack of Silly Bandz, even if it was a band-aid. And I'm a girl aren't I?

Exactly my point! Buy what you like and don't worry about what society says. :)

BTW what are the exclusive Silly Bandz shapes that come with these?

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