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Animal Friends Fun Bands Pack

The Animal Friends Fun Bands Pack contains twenty-four rubber band bracelets, four each of six different designs. Above is a photo of the front of the Animal Friends Fun Bands Pack.

Here is a photo of the back of the Animal Friends Fun Bands Pack.

Here is a photo of all the different shapes in the Animal Friends Fun Bands Pack. The Animal Friends assortment includes Hippo, Dog, Elephant, Pig, Turtle, and Ostrich rubber bands.



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This is like the Silly Bandz pet and zoo pack combined. I have seen these at Walmart but the aren't worth it.

you mean this is like the plus-d pet and zoo packs combined, that silly bandz jacked and called their own

@kajagoogoo Ummm.. ok??

These are a copy-cat of the Silly Bandz pet and zoo pack.

@Emily, thats what I just said

No, these are a copy of the Plus-D zoo and pet pack, that silly bandz ripped off and claimed as their own. you know, the Japanese guys who actually invented these things. http://www.plus-d.com/arb/ if you are going to accuse a company of stealing and copy cat, then the one to accuse first is silly bandz since they took the exact shapes and designs from plus d, and didnt change a thing. plus d bands, the originals, are the same size, shapes and everything.

@kajagoogoo The article on Bandz Wiki said that a Japanese company made shapes rubber bandz to use as an office supply. They never named any names of brands. They then said that Robert Croak made Silly Bandz into a bracelet.

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