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Dale Earnhardt Jr. Bandz

I previously blogged that Legend Bandz had signed a deal to produce NASCAR Bandz. Now, Legend Bandz has announced their first set of bandz based on a specific NASCAR driver. Legend Bandz is making Dale Earnhardt Jr. Bandz. The Dale Jr. Bandz Pack will contain twenty rubber band bracelets, four each of five different designs. Above is a picture of the Dale Jr. Bandz Pack.

In addition to Dale Jr. Bandz, Legend Bandz is also making 1" wide silicone shaped bracelets based on Dale Jr. Both the Dale Jr. Bandz and the Dale Jr. bracelets have an estimated ship date of between October 25 and October 31. Legend Bandz has a website at LegendBandz.com.



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GREAT! where can u get them allie

I don't really like Legend Bands.

I'm not really a Nascar fan. If I wanted to watch something turn left all day I'd buy a model train set XD

I am a Nascar fan and would really like to know where i could purchase these silly bandz at when they are released?

When are they gonna come out? And what store?

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