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Christmas Cheer Stretchy Shapes Pack

The Stretchy Shapes Christmas Cheer Pack contains twenty-four rubber band bracelets, four each of six different shapes. The Stretchy Shapes Christmas Cheer Pack comes in the Stretchy Shapes Zipper Pack, which is great for storing the bands. Inside the packaging is a card that shows the pictures of the six different Christmas shapes. The special feature on these rubber bands is that they are all tie dyed colors. Here is a photo of the front of the Stretchy Shapes Christmas Cheer Pack, which is available on the StretchyShapes.com website.

Here is a photo of the back of the Stretchy Shapes Christmas Cheer Pack.

The Stretchy Shapes Christmas Cheer shapes include Santa, Candle, Tree, Rudolph, Sleigh Bell, and Mistletoe rubber bands. Here is a photo of all the shapes in the Christmas Cheer assortment.



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My friend got those!!!

I'm getting these. I ordered them off of stretchyshapes.com but they didn't come yet.

I have those!

yaya i have those!

what store sell them

Is it just me or does the reindeer look small?

Good shapes but I don't like X-mas so no thanks. :)

You have to be first, best or different

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