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Silly Ringz Revealed By Silly Bandz

Silly Bandz has just announced Silly Ringz, and Animal Bracelets Blog has the exclusive first photos of the actual Silly Ringz. Silly Ringz are just smaller versions of Silly Bandz that are designed to be worn on the fingers instead of the wrist. The Silly Ringz Pack contains twelve Silly Ringz, two each of six different designs. Above is a photo of the front of the Silly Bandz Silly Ringz Pack.

Here is a photo of the back of the Silly Bandz Silly Ringz Pack.

Here is a photo of all the shapes in the Silly Bandz Silly Ringz Pack. The Silly Ringz assortment includes Stars, High Heel Shoes, Rings, Hearts, Frogs, and Cupcakes.



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You know for the company to invent silly bandz, these ringz are so corny.

Ikr?! And im starting to not like silly bandz that much. The ringz is only in a 12 pack, what happened to 24?? And justin beiber silly bandz....EWWWWW!!! I hate silly bandz!!! Googly bands are better and theyre only a dollar a pack of 12!!!! Go googly bandz they have at least 30 packs and silly bandz has like 10 stupid packs!!!

Yeah but you have to admit, the Rudolph ones that Silly Bandz is making seems pretty cool.

Guys if u hate silly bandz get off this blog and never I repeat NEVER COME BACK!!!!! :)

i like the stars hearts and the rings

im ganna get those! :)

See I love Animal Shaped Bracelets Im just not that big of a fan of Silly Bandz because there too expensive I love GOOGLY BANDS

Wacky Ringz was FIRST!! Go Wacky Ringz!!! www.wackyringz.com

Is this like, the only Silly Ringz pack> How 'bout a boy pack?

I like ALL bands! I have 2 packs of Googly Bandz, 2 packs of Wacky Bandz, and all the different cheapo types (like Animal Rubber Band). I LOVE EM ALL! GO B_A_N_D_S in general!

10% off all SillyBandz, RadBandz and Slap watches. Use the coupon code: TENOFF


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