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Faith Bands Announces Faith Bands Rings

Faith Bands is expanding from making bracelets to also making rings. The first Faith Bands Rings designs are called Faith Bands Noah's Animals Rings. The Faith Bands Noah's Animals Rings Pack contains twenty rubber band rings. The Noah's Animals Rings represent the account of Noah from Genesis 6 of the Bible. Faith Bands has a website located at FaithBands.org.


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i wont be getting those...

I might get these. They're pretty cool.

Funny, I don't think teddy bears were on Noah's ark. XD These are just silly. I mean if you wanted to you could take two of any animal band and make a Noah's ark set.

I don't buy from companies that use religion to sell stuff anyways but still. XD

I LOVE those!!!!!!!!! I just wish they weren't rings!!! :-(

Why not?

Every brand has rings now. I think theyre kinda stupid...

Every brand has rings now. I think theyre kinda stupid...

You can get the regular set of Noah's Animals, Dragmire. We have rings and regular bands in that theme.

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