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Are Ringz The Next Big Thing?

Awhile back, I blogged about Wacky Ringz, which are like Silly Bandz, except they are designed to be worn on your fingers as rings. Now, it seems like everyone is jumping on the ringz bandwagon as the next big thing. Shortly after Wacky Ringz were announced, Bandzmania announced their own line or ring rubber bands called Ringzmania. Even Silly Bandz recently revealed that they were going to be releasing Silly Ringz. Now, comes word that Logo Bandz has an entire line of Logo Ringz planned. Logo Bandz is planning Harry Potter Ringz, Disney Ringz, Looney Tunes Ringz, NFL Logo Ringz, MLB Logo Ringz, The Simpsons Ringz, DC Comics Ringz, and more.


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That's GREAT news! :-)

crazy rings logo . i never find from anywhere. about 1 dollar for 15 rings!!!

where can you buy the Harry Potter rings? i have almost all the other Harry Potter bandz but not the rings and id love to get all the HP bandz/ringz i can by time the movie comes out in Nov =)

do you like logo rings or any other bracelets such as power force,logo bandz?
yeah, you can buy them from http://www.aliexpress.com/fm-store/603151.
sounds good!

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