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Silly Ringz Is Now Wacky Ringz

A couple days ago I posted about a brand new product called Silly Ringz. The company behind Silly Ringz has just announced that they are actually changing the name of their upcoming product to Wacky Ringz. Wacky Ringz are rubber bands in various shapes that are designed to worn on the finger rather than the wrist. Wacky Ringz are made by Fun Talking, Inc, and they are scheduled to be available in stores before July 1.

More information about Wacky Ringz can be found on the WackyRingz.com website and the Wacky Ringz Facebook Page. Here is a photo that shows what Wacky Ringz are designed to look like when worn on the fingers.



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I love Wacky Ringz! Where can I get them?

I agree with James! I think you will be able to get them at Books-A-Million.

You can purchase Wacky Ringz directly at http://www.wackyringz.com/
There are more designs coming out next week too!

fibi ringz are better...they're coming out nationally in August...

All original designs you see when you wea them...never will be repeated...definitely better...http://www.fibiringz.com

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