Bandit-Os Six Packs
Awhile back, I blogged about twelve different bandz designs launched under the brand name Bandit-Os. The Bandit-Os were made by Fashion Angels, and they came in a pack of twelve rubber band bracelets. Well, I just discovered that Bandit-Os also makes a mini-pack that contains six rubber band bracelets. The Bandit-Os six packs feature the exact same designs as the twelve packs. Above is a photo of a Bandit-Os Bugs Stretch Bands six pack.
Since all the Bandit-Os six pack designs are the exact same as the Bandit-Os twelve packs, I won't be posting pictures of all of them, but I did want to let everyone know these Bandit-Os six packs are available. I found them in a checkout lane at Walgreens. Here is a photo of the back of the Bandit-Os Bugs Stretch Bands six pack.
I have the "Transportation" pack of Bandit-O's.
Posted by: Phoebe | 06/19/2010 at 10:00 AM
they sell them in michaels =]
Posted by: charleyy | 06/19/2010 at 04:58 PM
yah they do sell them in michaels! the thing is that the brand bandit-os, alot of the bands r a little 2 tight! guess thats just thwe ways they r made. :)
Posted by: Crissy | 07/08/2010 at 04:16 PM
i just got the fashionista pack yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: victoria | 08/07/2010 at 06:50 AM
i saw them at walgreens too
Posted by: Taylor | 08/12/2010 at 09:52 AM