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Sarah Jessica Parker Wears Silly Bandz

It looks like we have one of our first celebrity Silly Bandz sightings. There has been a lot of buzz on Twitter lately about Sarah Jessica Parker being spotted wearing the colorful animal shaped rubber bands. On the Watch What Happens Live With Andy Cohen show on Bravo TV on Thursday night, Sarah Jessica Parker appeared wearing a green Silly Bandz.

I think Sarah Jessica Parker’s Silly Bandz on her wrist nicely complements the sparkling necklace around her neck. Sarah Jessica Parker mentioned the necklace came from a vintage store called Seedhouse. No word on where Sarah Jessica Parker picked up her Silly Bandz. She has a seven year old son, so I’m betting he probably turned her on to the Animal Bracelets craze.


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which one is it?

i have 197 silly bandz,animal rubber bandzand some silly banz but no zany bandz:)

P.S i hate zany bandz

copy cats!

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