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Silly Bandz In North Carolina News

Add North Carolina to the growing list of states where Animal Bracelets have become popular. The Charlotte Observer has an article called "Silly bandz = serious business." The Charlotte Observer reports on how kids are snapping up rubber band bracelets and trading them with classmates. Silly Bandz, Zanybandz, Crazy Bands, and Bama Bandz are listed as some of the companies that make Animal Bracelets.

The article points out how Animal Bracelets are inexpensive, and some parents are grateful that their kids are into something that doesn't cost a fortune. Silly Bandz on Amazon.com filled six of the top ten spots in the Toys & Games bestsellers list this week. The owner of Brilliant Sky Toys & Books is quoted as saying they get calls for the bandz every day, every hour. Stores are selling thousands of packs a week. Lori Montag, the owner of Zanybandz, is quoted as saying their bracelets are sold in 8,000 stores nationwide.


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