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In Search Of Hedgehog Animal Bracelets

One of the most sought after bandz is the Hedgehog Animal Bracelet (or it is also called the Porcupine Animal Bracelet). The Hedgehog Animal Bracelet is not made by Silly Bandz, but instead it is made by Toysmith. The Hedgehog Animal Bracelet comes in the Toysmith Animal Shaped Rubber Bands Pack. There is only one one Hedgehog shape per pack of twelve, which makes the Hedgehog a rare shape. There are other shapes that are just as rare as the Hedgehog, but I think the Hedgehog is more in demand because in addition to being rare it is also one of the coolest animal shaped rubber bands.

Lately, the Hedgehog Animal Bracelet has become in more demand than ever, as rumors have surfaced that it isn't in the new packs that are being released by Toysmith. A recent article in Tampa Bay Online said that the Hedgehog rubber band bracelet is one of the more valuable shapes. What a lot of people don't know is that there are actually two versions of the Hedgehog rubber band bracelet. I have found some that are a slightly different shade of brown that are distributed by a company called W.I.I. This pack by W.I.I. called Animal Shaped Rubber Bands actually includes two Hedgehog rubber bands.


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the hedgehog is my favorite!! i hope they dont discontinue it!

If you are looking for the Toysmith Animal Packs that contain the Hedgehog we have plenty in stock here: http://www.roundtabletoys.com/37561-ANIMAL.html

I have this one.My friend gave it to me and he said his mom got it for him online.

i got a pack with 4 hedgehogs in them! it also came with 4 anteaters and 4 toucans!

What store can you buy a pack of shaped rubber bands with hedgehogs in them?

I just got a pack of silly band animals and in the pack there was 2 hedgehogs!!!!! They r my fav!!!!!

and i the pack from toysmith 2day

Haha I have a hedgehog one on right now! :]

i <333 the hedgehog! i have a green one and a purple one. the purple one glows in the dark!!! i traded a green for the purple tho... i got 'em from a friend who bought me one in a "rubba bandz" pack... there's like sooooo many copiers of silly bandz like zanybandz

i have a blue one!

i have two hedgehogs if you want oneyou can

I got 1 2day i <3 them!!!!!I've only seen 2 in my school (including mine)!!!!!!=D

♥ I have 3!♥ Willing to trade a Hello Kitty for a Rubba Bandz Pack with the blue porcupine, octopus, tree frog, and the kangaroo!♥

Where do you think i can get a hedgehog?

my bro. has 2 purple hedgehogs... is this rare?

i have one from my fiend she said it was at seven eleven and is a toucan rare

I have a dark blue one. I don't know what pack it's in though, cuz my brother traded it to me. The toucan from the rainforest pack is pretty rare, so are all the other animals in that pack.

I'm getting a hedgehog from my friend today. I'm trading a foot for it.

I have a neon green hedgehog that glows in the dark(:

Another pack you could get the hedgehog in is the ''safari googly bands'' pack.

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