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Silly Bandz Western Shapes Pack

Just got in my Silly Bandz Western Shapes Pack. I haven't seen these in stores yet, but they should be arriving soon, and they are available on SillyBandz.com. The Silly Bandz Western Shapes Pack includes 24 rubber band bracelets. There are four each of six different shapes in a pack. The Western Shapes are Sheriff Badge, Horseshoe, Bucking Bronco, Cowboy Hat, Cowboy Boot, and Longhorn. Here is a photo of the front of the pack.


Here is a photo of the back of the Silly Bandz Western Shapes Pack, which lists the assortment.

Here is a photo of the six different shapes in the Silly Bandz Western Shapes Pack. The shapes are Sheriff Badge, Horseshoe, Bucking Bronco, Cowboy Hat, Cowboy Boot, and Longhorn. My favorite shapes from this pack are the Bucking Bronco and the Longhorn.



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i noticed that with my cowboy on the horse only has two legs. its the real silly bandz company cuz i still have the package it came in. do u know which one is more rare?

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