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Silly Bandz Kiosk Opens At Opry Mills In Nashville, Tennessee


There is a new Silly Bandz kiosk that just opened at Opry Mills Mall in Nashville, Tennessee. Opry Mills Mall is a great location for a new Silly Bandz store, because most of the other places that sell Silly Bandz in the Nashville area are south of Nashville in Franklin, Tennessee. Opry Mills Mall is on the Northeast side of Nashville.

The Silly Bandz kiosk is located inside the Opry Mills Mall in front of the Build-A-Bear store. They are carrying all current styles of Silly Bandz. They also told me that they will be the first ones in Nashville to get the new Silly Bandz styles when they are released.

They said the Alphabet Silly Bandz shipped out to them on Friday, and they expect to have them for sale on Tuesday, December 8. They expect the Princess Silly Bandz to ship out to them on December 11 and the Western Silly Bandz to ship out to them on December 17. (Of course, there can always be factory delays, so keep checking back for stock updates).

Opry Mills Mall is located 433 Opry Mills Drive, Nashville, TN 37214.


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