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Toysmith Cars Shaped Rubber Bands Pack

As I blogged yesterday, there are new assortments of Toysmith Animal Rubber Bands hitting stores now. In addition to an all new Toysmith Animal Shaped Rubber Bands Pack, there is also a Toysmith Cars Shaped Rubber Bands Pack. The Toysmith Cars twelve pack contains two each of six different car and truck shaped rubber bands. Here is a photo of the front of the Toysmith Cars Shaped Rubber Bands Pack.


Here is a photo of the back of the Toysmith Cars Shaped Rubber Bands Pack.



Here is a close-up of the cars and trucks pictured on the front of the package.


Here is a photo of the six different car shapes inside the Toysmith Cars Shaped Rubber Bands Pack. Since the cars are not labeled, my best guess at the shapes are Van, Truck, Bus, Beetle, Flat-Bed Truck, and Car.



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Does anyone know where you can buy these wholesale?

Can't you do that at sillybandz.com?

u can order the animal pack with like the eight diffrent ones in it at www.bandzy.com

These rubber bands seem like a great way to keep kids entertained.

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