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Dino Animal Rubber Bands

As I've previously blogged, there is a Japanese company called h Concept that makes animal rubber bands under the brand name +d. They are best known for their Baby Animal Bracelets, which are smaller versions of the zoo and the pet animal rubber bands. h Concept also makes one of the coolest animal rubber band packs called the Dino Pack. Here is a photo of one of their Dino Animal Rubber Band Packs.


Here is a photo of the back of one of their Dino Animal Rubber Band Packs.


The Dino Animal Rubber Band Pack contains the following assortment: Triceratops, Pteranodon, Tyrannosaurus, Oviraptor, Parasaurolophs, Brachiosaurus, and Stegosaurus. There is only one of each dinosaur in the package, but a couple of them are much larger than the average size animal rubber band. Here is a photo of the entire assortment out of the package.



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can you get them at silly bandz city

You can go to www.sillybandz.com and they have zoo, animal, symbols, dinosours, christmas, ect.

where do you get those ?

im getin those

i think if they had a design with candy, like chocolate bars with a bit taken out of them, and a pepermint, and a gummy bear, and jelly bean. They r all great ideas and i hope u take a look at this and think further ahead to make these bands even better(:

Very cool! I hope to find some of these at CVS pharmacy which is very close to my house.

please tell me were i can get the dino pack espacielly the big one i want some so bad please tell me were i can get thim in rockingham or hamlet in north carolina or on line please please please please please

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