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Baby Gingerbread Man & Baby Christmas Tree Holiday Rubber Bands

I just got a new holiday rubber band assortment. It came in a little plastic bag and included four each of six different shapes. I’m not sure why the heart shape was included, as it isn’t really holiday, but all the others have a holiday theme. This assortment included Gingerbread Men, Christmas Trees, Stockings, Hearts, Stars, and Snowflakes.


The Gingerbread Man and the Christmas Tree are really small and could be called a baby Gingerbread Man and baby Christmas Tree. The baby Gingerbread Man rubber band is likely to be the most popular from these new holiday shapes as most of the other shapes are similar to other designs.


The baby Christmas Tree is much smaller than the Christmas Tree that comes in the Holiday Shapes Silly Bandz Pack. Here is a side-by-side comparison between the generic baby Christmas Tree (small one) and the Silly Bandz Christmas Tree (large one).


While the Stocking is similar to the Stocking found in the Holiday Shapes Silly Bandz Pack, it is also different. Here is a side-by-side comparison between the generic Stocking rubber band (red one) and the Silly Bandz Stocking (purple one).


Here is the little plastic bag that these holiday shapes came in.



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Where did you find this cute pack???

Where did you get this pack? Did you get it at the Band Wagon?

I got them on eBay, but The Band Wagon is supposed to get them including the Gingerbread Man this upcoming week, so if you're near them you could get them there and avoid paying shipping.

the baby christmas treee is to tithe i have it and i got it at walgreens

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